The Fat Melter

Kybella is the latest and greatest in the Aesthetics world, It’s a miraculous liquid that literally melts fat in small areas of the face and body. Areas such as Chin, Jowls, Bra/Underarm, fat Belly, Pooch Flanks, Back Bulge, Back Thigh Rolls.
Kybella injections use a synthetic form of bile acid, that normally will be produced by our body, naturally, to help absorb fat. The acid destroys fat cells so they can’t store fat anymore.
A non-surgical injection melts excess fat within days/ No recovery time.
Results that last up to two years!

Using Kybella under the chin makes the neck and chin look more separate, which makes you look younger, thinner, and healthier.

Using Kybella underneath the jawline area creates a better definition of the jawline for a younger, slimmer, and healthier look.

Using Kybella to remove fat in the underarms and bra areas, also referred to as “Armpit Fat” or “Bra Bulge.

Using Kybella to remove that stubborn fat in the little underbelly.

Also known as the love handles, resulting in a smooth appearance and a more defined waist.

Injecting Kybella to any areas in the back with stubborn excess fat.

Also called “banana rolls”, the roll of fat on the back of the thigh that won't budge is destroyed by Kybells injections.